IPS-MPS’23 report

By Lee Zan Hui

Lee Zan Hui

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Research Background

Ever since I have attended a vast of interdisciplinary talks of @Mindset in my undergraduate journey at @UoNM, I have attracted to and immersed in this form of knowledge delivery atmosphere, with a variety of scientific research topics shared by researchers of different backgrounds. The inspiration from a vaster field of research which isn’t just bound within our course modules is just sparkling and reminds us the significance of how a good science could be.

These training and beliefs hold me through a few biology & conservation conferences where I got to present some posters of my small research and collective citizen science programme. Anyway I know if I shall be a good scientist one day I should present my research project on a stage with audiences. The opportunity come along with the joint meeting #IPSMPS2023 between @IPS and @MPS happening in our home country Malaysia. Throughout the conference, I presented my research on the feeding ecology of Presbytis femoralis, took part in the roundtable for the Future of Primates in Malaysia, and participated in the post-conference workshop on drafting the Presbytis conservation action plan. My journey in biology conservation and primatology kind of reflected in the events I took part in IPSMPS23, as I speak of the importance of a landscape perspective in primatology with broader consideration on conservation research, good science for evidence-based approaches in conservation action, then participating in the inclusive Presbytis action plan workshop which have engaged relevant stakeholders and officers from different countries of the Presbytis langur’s range, and researcher and youth students who have worked tirelessly on the ground. A conservation action plan, either it is for species, regional, national or range wide, the impact would go beyond as a publication, there are people reading it, using it to develop themselves as a good conservation partitioner with relevant skill and knowledge, and the future of Malaysian primatology lie among the sprouting primatologist we met today, to take the action. =)

IPS-MPS 2023 Highlights

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