Report on IPS-MPS 2023

By Lilian Jose

Lilian Jose

Master studies in Biotechnology Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Sabah, Malaysi

I have recently completed my Master studies in Biotechnology Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Sabah, Malaysia. I have received my bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics from Multimedia University, Malacca campus.

Research Background

With the knowledge in bioinformatics, I pursued my Master project which was involving this knowledge as well. For this project, I worked on the faecal samples of wild proboscis monkeys collected from the Menanggul River, a tributary river of the Kinabatangan River in Sabah as well. The goal of this study was to characterise the gut microbiome of the monkeys. The conclusion from this project was that the gut microbiome might be used as a biomarker to determine how the proboscis monkeys are affected by the habitat degradation. I am looking forward to pursuing my PhD study on the Bornean primates.


IPS 2023 has been eye-opening for me. I have learnt a lot on primatology since in my Master project, I was only focused on the molecular part. Through this congress, I have seen how molecular works can be used as a tool to contribute to the advancement in primatology. I also have been exposed to the concerns in the primatology field such as the passing of the leadership to the new researchers, the importance of the relationship between researchers and the local communities, and also the fact that conservation efforts should not be an aggressive move. 

Another thing that I have experienced during this congress was networking. Everyone was very nice, the experts included. I saw that even though they are very experienced in primatology, they were very welcoming to those new to the field, especially the students. This inspired me to stay humble and appreciate everyone around me. In addition, attending this congress has made me realise that conservation is really a worldwide effort – it should not be done by only focusing on our area.

In conclusion, I was having a very good time at the congress. It has really helped me to shape my vision for the future in my academic career. I saw that my skill, the molecular skill, is important in this field, even though currently I am lacking in field experience. This inspired me to add my values in primatology and I am looking forward to attending IPS 2025 in Madagascar with an even greater finding from my PhD study!


Firstly, I am very grateful for the travel grant provided by the THF-MPS for me to attend the IPS. This has made it possible for me to share my findings in such a prestigious congress. As for my vision after attending IPS, I am looking forward to collaborating with other primatologists, especially those working in Sabah and I am very excited to learn new methodologies in the field of primatology. Also, I am thrilled to have some field experience in my PhD work and the network that I have obtained during the IPS surely will help me a lot in pursuing my PhD. I am looking forward to contributing in this field!

IPS-MPS 2023 Highlights

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