IPS-MPS ’23 Report

By Nicole Lee

Nicole Lee

Animal Neighbours Project

Research Background

Attending the IPS-MPS Joint Meeting 2023 was a truly eye-opening experience for me. As I have only been working in the primate field for a year with Animal Neighbours Project, it was amazing to be exposed to the array of primatologists, research topics, and work being done to learn about, protect, and conserve these amazing animals. I also had the opportunity to meet various primatologists in person, some of whom I had only heard of or met through a screen beforehand.

My work with primates has primarily been focused on human-monkey interface (mainly long-tailed macaques) and the testing of strategies with local communities to mitigate negative interactions. One of which included a monkey guards trial in one of our working sites. Through the gracious support grant from the Malaysian Primatological Society and The Habitat Foundation, I was able to present the preliminary findings of our monkey guard trial and forthcoming plans. This trial also would not have been possible without the support of The Long-Tailed Macaque Project, Sabrina Jabbar (Jane Goodall Institute Singapore), the team at Animal Neighbours Project and the local community members.

I learnt so much from the various speakers and presenters. I hope to use the knowledge gained to progress our work and advocate for the primates of the world, especially our own Malaysian primates. One of my favourite sessions was the roundtable on “The Future of Primates in Malaysia”, hearing about all the work being done in Malaysia and the passionate Malaysians spearheading these efforts. The biggest takeaway I got from attending was how everyone can contribute something, no matter their background, so working together is truly the best way forward. 

All in all, the week was filled with engaging presentations, thought-provoking workshops, great opportunities to meet new people, and amazing food. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to attend. My heartfelt congratulations to the International Primatological Society and the Malaysian Primatological Society for planning such an amazing event. 

IPS-MPS 2023 Highlights

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