Report to Malaysian Primatological Society

By Salmah Widyastuti

Salmah Widyastuti

IPB University, Indonesia

I am Salmah Widyastuti a PhD student in IPB University, Indonesia and an early career in primatology. I am currently study about Javan gibbon population and its habitat in the unprotected landscape in Central Java, Indonesia.

Research Background

Attending and presenting in IPS event has been in my wish list since I started to study primate in 2016 in undergraduate thesis. IPS congress is a very great opportunity for me to broaden my knowledge related to my research topics and my network with international primatologist. This year, the congress is hosted in Malaysia and this give me high probability to be part of it. However, funding is the most important thing to allow me attending the congress and I am so grateful that MPS give me the support for the registration fees. By this, I was strongly motivated to try hard to seek another funding source for the travel costs, as I have to bring my family.

  In this document I will report my participation during the International Primatological Society–Malaysian Primatological Society Joint Meeting 2023 in Kuching which financially supported by MPS.

Photo 1: Me holding my daughter (left down corner) with grantees and MPS.
Photo 2: My oral presentation in Population Dynamic Paper Session.

Attending IPS-MPS Joint Meeting’23 and Its Impact

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Malaysian Primatological Society to grant me a registration fees for attending IPS-MPS Joint meeting in Kuching. Also, please accept my apologize, as at the beginning I tried to cancel my enrolment as a grantee because of such condition that limit me to attend to Kuching. But I ended up to keep attending by bringing my family (a 2-years-old daughter and my husband).

The important point is, I could not be more thankful to MPS that support a primatologist-mom like me to attend such a great meeting. Moreover, IPS-MPS in Kuching also facilitated a day care service that help me to take care my kid while I was trying hard to focus to the IPS-MPS sessions. It is not easy for me, but the IPS-MPS meeting environment was very welcome for having kid around the venue, as long as the condition under control. 

During the meeting, I followed some talks related to gibbon population monitoring and conservation in other countries and broaden my knowledge and strengthen my insight in my current research. I also discuss directly with some gibbon researcher from Malaysia (Dr Aini Hasanah, Dr Ethan Pang, Dr Nurul Iza Adrina and Dr Baizul Hafsyam) regarding the population survey, monitoring and species distribution modelling. These gave me new insight about how they design their studies. I shared my study results to them personally and suggest some recommendations that could applied for their future research. From these discussions, I have got new network with some international primatologists, especially who studying gibbon. 

Attending this meeting allow me to measure an evaluate my achievements among the international primatologist, I am verry aware that I need more experience and practice to build the networking. So, again, many thanks for this valuable experience and sure this boost my motivation to continue my contribution in primatology.

IPS-MPS 2023 Highlights

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